Vollständige Version anzeigen : Kron Gracie World's 2008

08-06-2008, 13:53
Kron loses in black belt debut
Rickson's son submitted by Sergio Moraes
By Ivan Trindade, special envoy to Long Beach

The black belt competition didn't start well for Kron Gracie. Rickson Gracie's son was submitted by Sergio Moraes, of Alliance, right in the first fight of the middleweight category. The fight was very disputed, but Sergio kept the lead throughout the entire match after taking the lead with two takedowns. With two minutes to go, Moraes managed to pass Kron's guard and mount. In an attempt to defend, Kron turned his back and had his neck squeezed. The gymnasium shook with excitement, as is always the case when a raved-about favorite is defeated.

Fight over, Kron remained a few seconds longer in the fight area. HIs father jumped to receive him on the sidelines of the mat and the embrace was a long one. Applauded, father and son left the fenced off area where the fights take place and went beneath the bandstands of the Long Beach Pyramid. "You lost to his experience. FOrget everything you've done till now, at black belt it's all different. But only those who have lost can win. You insisted a lot on getting the neck, you should have gone for his foot, tried other things," the father consoled and commented. "I tapped," lamented the son. Uncle Renzo turned up: "You fought well. It was a good fight. THe guy was slick. Nobody knows him, but he has a lot of experience," argued Renzo. The next to give his support was two-time absolute champion Ronaldo Jacare: "It happens. Don't worry about it," Jacare said soothingly.


peter schira
08-06-2008, 21:00
habe es eben von rolker gracies frau erfahren. ist schade für ihn. er ist ein riesen talent.
gruß peter schira

09-06-2008, 08:28
Hätte eigentlich nicht gedacht, dass er abklopft. Neue Generation, neue Regeln.

Shanghai Kid
09-06-2008, 10:27
Sein Gegner von Alliance hat den Titel gewonnen, also keine Schande.

09-06-2008, 11:36
"Ein Mensch lernt weniger von seinen Siegen als vielmehr von seinen Niederlagen"

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