Vollständige Version anzeigen : Training Vid

11-07-2007, 09:44
Kopiert aus dem Senshido forum:

New Video of Big Rob and Sweet Basu. Featuring CrazyGuy

Last Saturday CrazyGuyWithaSword (Nick) came down to train with us. We had a great session about 3 and a half hours. There was a lot of great stuff going on. As usual we video as much as possible. Below is a montage of some of the work we did.

Be warned some of the material is graphic, weak constitutions should refrain from viewing.

I want to thank Nick for being such a great training partner and he is now a close friend. He really fit in well, He was very open minded and really reaped the benefits of the training.

If anyone has any questions on what is going on in the video we will be happy to fill in the details… I’m pretty sure there are going to be questions…

WARNING: Explicit Content Mature Audiences Only

Thanks For watching.

h t t p ://www.fullspeedcomputer.com/Files/CrazyGuy0306.wmv

almost 10MB Right Click and save as..
Best viewed with Windows Media Player.
Sound must be on... if you don't have sound wait till you can view it with the audio.

Was haltet Ihr davon??



16-07-2007, 09:49
Hi auch,

ich finde es eigentlich nicht schlecht gemacht.

Meine Fresse ist der eine groß, oder sind die beiden anderen so klein;).

Nein, mal im Ernst, gerade die Messersachen zeigen doch wieder wie schwer es ist, wenn er mit einem Messer umgehen kann und ein bißchen weiß was er zutun hat.

Ich finde das Video ok!!!!



Jun Fan - PFS
18-07-2007, 13:36
Nicht schlecht, nicht schlecht... etwas unorthodox, aber wenigstens realistisch! :)