Vollständige Version anzeigen : EWTO ohne Rene Latosa

03-09-2001, 13:21
von der Homepage von Rene Latosa:



Due to differences, which could not be resolved between the EWTO and myself, I am hereby resigning effective immediately.

There are many factors, which led me to my decision:

Ø I felt the authenticity of my Escrima was being doubted. Word was being spread that my system was a copy of another system.

Ø I was placed in a situation where I had to choose between business, loyalty and friendships.

Ø There were various rumors floating around that I was in conflict with Great Grand Master Leung Ting, which I am not. I think this had to do with the WT Weapons, which I know is an intricate part of the WT system and I believe it should be taught.

Ø Personal and confidential e-mails were being passed around and interpreted in the wrong way. For example, as a business professional, there are many statements which relate to certain business practices, and an all too common phase reads something like "history has a habit of repeating itself", and it meant that with old habits continuing, the same outcome will occur. I mentioned to the individual, who my private e-mail was intended, that at the DACAU Concentration Camp, this is the last statement you read before leaving, which to me is quite profound. My private e-mail was passed around, twisted, and misinterpreted to mean something entirely different. Now I have people doubting my character. To me, passing around personal and confidential e-mails is a betrayal of trust. Everyone who knows e-mail understands that anything can be added or deleted with a keystroke, so beware of what you read.

As an individual, I choose to leave the organization by personal choice. I know my system is in great hands with Master Bill Newman. He is a great martial artist and there is no doubt to the excellent training students will get from this great man. I have not nor would I ever put any pressure or even suggested to Master Bill to either follow me or stay with the EWTO which is a brilliant organization. It is a difficult time for him as it is for me. He is a man who will make his own decision and I will always honor whatever he decides as I expect everyone to do the same. I will always be his friend, and any amount of media and rumors will never change my feelings and respect for him.

To those concerned, I am not affiliating myself with any other organization, group or individual in Europe. I have always been truthful to all my students, defining the right vision, assuring the best quality, and providing the best instructions without regards to any politics. I have tried to put my students before anything else, as I have always been a teacher first and a Great Grand Master second.

These times have caused me stress and time away from my family. They were becoming second to all the political turmoil, and they deserve to be first.

I will not be drawn into any additional public battles or respond to further negative public comments. From this day forward, my energy will be directed to teaching the Filipino Martial Arts.

Thank you all for having me as your instructor,

Rene Latosa

Steve Tappin soll nachgezogen haben!


03-09-2001, 13:27
bin mal gespannt, ob er die waffenlosen Techniken jetzt auch wieder lehrt oder weiterhin nur waffenkampf unterrichtet..

03-09-2001, 14:01
Salve, wurde ja auch langsam mal Zeit, dass der Bengel mal was Anständiges auf die Beine stellt und nicht diesen Lutscherkram ewig weitermacht. Würde mich nicht wundern, wenn er mit Schubert wieder mehr zusammen macht, denn das ist doch wohl der erste seine Schüler gewesen, der was Korrektes gemacht hat.
so long :cool:

03-09-2001, 14:50

diese Aktion war das einzig richtige was Latosa machen konnte.

Ich hoffe nur, daß Newman mitgeht, ansonsten hätte ich einen kleinen,
hoffentlich temporären Gewissenskonflikt.

mit galaktischen Grüßen


03-09-2001, 14:59
wenn ich mir Tappins Stellungnahme anschaue könnt ich kotzen.

03-09-2001, 16:16
Hola Chavales

Was ist eigentlich der Unterschied vom Latosa Escrima EWTO und dem sonstigen LE.?
Ja OK ich weis schon, das Waffenlose! Aber gibt es denn noch andere Punkte ?

Hasta luego

Pai Lee:confused:

04-09-2001, 08:29
das EWTO Eskrima ist an allen Stellen "kastriert". Da wird wirklich nur ein ganz kleines Stück vom Kuchen gezeigt, wie sich ein Kumpel von mir mal ausdrückte.

04-09-2001, 08:56
@R2D2 :

I have not nor would I ever put any pressure or even suggested to Master Bill to either follow me or stay with the EWTO which is a brilliant organization.

Also ich lese, trotz meines bescheidenen Enlisch zwischen den Zeilen das Newman vermutlich bei der EWTO bleibt.

Oder weis jemand mehr?

04-09-2001, 08:59
Darauf wird es wohl hinauslaufen.

04-09-2001, 18:37

soweit ich das mitbekommen hab, löst sich Latosa von der EWTO und Newman bleibt dabei. Ob Latosa dann das komplette System zeigt, bleibt abzuwarten. Aber wahrscheinlich mehr als bisher. Die EWTO Variante war nämlich mehr als beschnitten.


17-09-2001, 11:04
Schau dir doch mal folgende Seite an:www.escrima-hamburg.de

21-09-2001, 08:55
Original geschrieben von michel
Schau dir doch mal folgende Seite an:www.escrima-hamburg.de

Wenn du mich gemeint hast, ist das überflüssig. Ich bin in dem Verein drin :biglaugh: