Vollständige Version anzeigen : San Shou (Chinesisches Kickboxen)

22-01-2002, 18:21

betreibt jemand San Shou? Wie effektiv ist das Chinesische Kickboxen?

22-01-2002, 21:53
Hi TomK,

ja, bei uns wird auch Sanda/Sanshou unterrichtet/praktiziert.
Was die Effektivität betrifft, so halte ich persönlich diese chinesische Freikampfform für äusserst effektiv.
Es ist übrigens auf keinen Fall "chinesisches Kickboxen" wie aus dem folgenden Text hervorgeht.

Hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt zum Thema :

Sanda or Sanshou means "free fight" and is the real application of the attack and defence techniques of Chinese Gong Fu. Sanda was created similarly to modern Wushu by the Chinese Government in the 60s, grouping masters from all the country and defining a standard fighting style, in order to rationalize the huge heritage of thousands of styles and techniques existing in China.
The techniques employed in sanda are based upon punches, kicks, grappling and locks.
The latter two can result rather tricky to learn for those who have previous experiences in other fighting systems.
As for all the martial arts dedicated exclusively to fighting the learning timeframe is reasonable, and in about 3 years a pratictioner is ready to partecipate to the full-contact tournaments.
Normal training is based upon a sequence of aerobic warm-up, stretching, basic techniques and combinations (jab, direct, hook, front kick, side kick, etc.), shadow boxing, 2 person drills, free sparring, plus heavy bag, abdominals, push-ups and so on.
There are two versions of sanda, one is designed for full-contact tournament, the second is a hand-to-hand combat discipline taught to the various military groups, like the Chinese Red Army, the police and even the fire brigades. Interestingly enough, while the tournament version is more or less unified, the combat one has generated a series of flavours, as each division of the army, police and so on has developed its own style."


23-01-2002, 12:52
man muss aber dazusagen das es im gegensatz zu den 60's heute mit einem Kickboxregelwerk + Würfe betrieben wird.
