Vollständige Version anzeigen : Ergänzung zu Kris versus Krag

21-01-2002, 14:32
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Kris vs. Krags

After several days of intense artillery bombardment on the extinct volcanic craters which shielded the Moros, bayonet charges annihilated the survivors, all of whom it should be noted were armed and dangerous.

The annihilation of whole "cottas" eventually eliminated large-scale and organized Moro resistance. By 1916 routine warfare had subsided as a daily occurrence. But the individual Moro remained a formidable and unpredictable foe. Periodically, a "datu" would anger U.S. authorities sufficiently to prompt a smaller scale expedition. References to attacks on "cottas" by U.S. and Philippine troops continue sporadically throughout the 1920's, with at least one expedition occurring as late as 1936! The Moros' war on the infidels seems not to have really ended, it just became a fact of life ignored by the rest of the world.


